Logo with the name "Filoteknos" in large white letters followed by "LITERATURA DZIECIECA - MEDIACIA KULTUROWA - ANTROPOLOGIA DZIECINSTWA" in small white letters and "CHILDREN'S LITERATURE - CULTURAL MEDIATION - ANTHROPOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD" in small pink letters

July 24, 2024Call for Papers for a Special Issue in the Polish Journal "Filoteknos"

Jessica Schwittek and Katarzyna Jendrzey from the University of Duisburg-Eseen, together with Dorota Michułka and Mateusz Świetlicki from the University of Wrocław, will be editing a Special Issue on the topic "Migration Narratives: Staying, Leaving, and Returning in Children's and Young Adult Literature" in the Polish journal Filoteknos.

Those interested can send an abstract of 200-300 words to filoteknos@uwr.edu.pl by July 31, 2024.

Download call for papers
Photo of Jessica Schwittek presenting in front of a powerpoint with conference participants standing or sitting on either side
Photo of Alexandra König, looking up and smiling
Photo of Jessica Schwittek presenting in front of a powerpoint presentation with the text
Photo of Katarzyna Brudzinska smiling at the camera
Photo of Jessica Schwittek presenting in front of a powerpoint with the DoDzi logo on it. Katarzyna Jendrzey and Alexandra König stand off to the sides. Another audience member is applauding.
Photo of a library with wooden tables and colorful, ornate doors and ceiling
Photo of the five members of the DoDzi team, standing in front of ornate wooden doors
Photo of Katarzyna Jendrzey looking up at the camera and smiling and Katarzyna Brudzinska reading a packet of papers
Photo of Alexandra König presenting in front of a powerpoint presentation. Katarzyna Jendrzey and Jessica Schwittek stand off to her right

The German DoDzi team spent a lovely few days at the end of March with our Polish colleagues in Wrocław. Dorota Michułka, head of the Polish side of the team, hosted an international scientific conference at the beautiful Nehring Hall library. In addition to Alexandra König, Jessica Schwittek, and Katarzyna Jendrzey’s presentation of results from the DoDzi project, there were many other interesting presentations, mostly from the field of literary studies. Zofia Zasacka from the Polish side also presented results from DoDzi on the topic “Children's reading engagement as a support during growing up”.

Screenshot of a logo with the text: ESA '24 Porto / 16th conference /  27-30 Aug 2024 / Porto-Portugal

Katarzyna Jendrzey's presentation on the topic "Children's ideas and interpretations of family normality in the context of transnational families" has been accepted by the European Sociolgical Society's 16th conference! The conference, "Tension, Trust, and Transformation," will take place in Porto, Portugal, from August 27-30, 2024.

For more information, visit https://www.europeansociology.org/conferences

Picture of a blue and white Portuguese tile motif

March 25, 2024Special Issue in the journal “Families, Relationships and Societies” – February 2025

Alexandra König and Jessica Schwittek , together with Viorela Telegdi-Csetri, are pleased to be editing a Special Issue in the British journal Families, Relationships and Societies. The Special Issue, “Living apart together: Growing up in Transnational Families”, will be published in February 2025.

Transnational family life has become both a growing empirical phenomenon and a conceptual lens through which families’ multilocal spaces and relations become visible. The reasons for families to “live apart together” are based on a multitude of individual and collective motives. Depending on the economic, social and cultural capital of the families, their transnational arrangements and practices play out differently. Research so far has mostly focused on the alleged decision-makers, namely adults, who are usually considered the key figures in migration processes. Children and youth in transnational families are often viewed as more passive or vulnerable and subject to their parents’ choices. In a current German-Polish research project funded by DFG and NCN, König/Schwittek apply a child-centered perspective to grasp how they perceive and evaluate transnational family arrangements. As part of this project, Schwittek organized a conference which took place at the University of Essen, Germany in April 2023, bringing together an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers whose contributions offered fresh perspectives on transnational arrangements.

Based on selected papers presented and discussed during the conference, our Special Issue for FRS offers current research on (growing up in) transnational families, based on innovative methodological approaches. The selected studies focus on new, changing or persisting conditions, figurations, practices, and discursive representations of transnational families in different societies, considering both mobile and “left-behind” or immobile actors, inspiring a theoretical discussion around the normative concepts of childhood and family. The extent to which societies consider transnational or mobile families as being at odds with normative patterns of family, childhood, and parenthood differs, both within societies and between them. Our Special Issue therefore highlights the variability of intergenerational solidarity and evaluation of transnational families on individual, local and global dimensions, allowing us to explore the potential of research on transnational families for the analysis of society and social order more broadly.

March 25, 2024New article from Jessica Schwittek and Katarzyna Jendrzey

Jessica Schwittek and Katarzyna Jendrzey have an artitle titled "Kindheitsforschung in internationalen und mehrsprachigen Kontexten“ (Childhood research in international and multilingual contexts) – in the new edition of the volume "Methoden der Kindheitsforschung" (Methods of childhood research), edited by Friederike Heinzel. In the piece, they discuss methodological challenges from the DoDzi Project and our project on young refugees in Germany.

Screenshot for the conference with the text: "International Scientific Conference / Institute of Polish Studies, University of Wrocław / 27 March 2024 (Wednesday)/ Migration identity(s). Growing up in transnational spaces (sociological and educational perspective) / Migracyjna tożsamość. Dorastanie w przestrzeniach transnarodowych (w perspektywie socjologicznej i edukacyjnej)/ Reading – Experiences – Emotions. Books for Young Readers – Theory and Practice of Reception (VIII) / Nehring Hall – reading room (library), Address: Pl. Nankiera 15b / Migration identity (-ies) and children’s culture (in English) / 9.00 – 14.00

March 7, 2024DoDzi team meeting from March 26-29, 2024

For the end of March, our Polish colleagues have organized a meeting as part of the DoDzi project at the University of Wrocław. At the meeting, Alexandra König, Jessica Schwittek, and Katarzyna Jendrzey will present project results on the topic "The Child as Agent in Transnational Families - Results from a Polish-German Research Project," followed by a discussion with international guests and representatives from local schools. We are looking forward to the exchange!

View full program
A preview of the Tagungsbericht (conference report) with the title "Living Apart Together: Growing Up in Transnational Families / Report on the "Living Apart Together: Growing Up in Transnational Families" Conference from April 27 to April 29, 2023 at the Unperfekthaus Essen, Germany"

Feburary 28, 2024Conference report in the Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization

A report, written by Adrienne Lee Atterberry (Union College, New York), on our international conference Living apart together: Growing up in Transnational Families was published in the Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization (ZSE), issue 4/2023. We are pleased to have such a nice review of the three-day conference in April 2023.

You can download Atterberry's report (see below).

The complete ZSE issue can be found here.

Read the full conference report

Upcoming workshop: Methodological approaches to the study of mobile childhoods

Dr. Xiaorong Gu

In this workshop, organized by the IZfB, Dr. Xiarong Gu (University of Suffolk, UK) will present a study on countryside-to-city child migrants in China and Dr. Elizer Jay de los Reyes (University of Southampton, UK) a study on “left-behind” children growing up in transnational families in the Philippines. Both researchers will present their data collection tools and analysis strategies, as well as use examples from their empirical data to demonstrate the advantages and challenges specific to their approaches.

The workshop will take place on Thursday, January 25, from 9:00-15:30
Location: Campus Essen, Room S06 S00 A40

More information can be found here.

Register online by January 15.


Dr. Elizer Jay de los Reyes

January 4, 2024Invitation: Book Launch for the "Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies"

The "Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies: Generations Between Local and Global Dynamics" is dedicated to growing up in the context of social, cultural and economic change processes in Asian societies. The volume brings together contributions by scholars from Asia and Europe whose research aims to give voice to young people and to reconstruct their perspectives. Established concepts and analytical frameworks of (Western-influenced) childhood and youth research are critically scrutinized and further developed on the basis of empirical analyses.

As editors and authors of the handbook Prof Dr. Doris Bühler-Niederberger (University of Wuppertal), Dr. Xiaorong Gu (University of Suffolk), Dr. Elizer Jay de los Reyes (University of Southampton) and Dr. Jessica Schwittek (University of Duisburg-Essen) will be present at the book launch. Short presentations will provide insights into the focal points of the volume and selected contributions. Afterwards, a panel discussion will provide an opportunity to learn more about the field of childhood and youth research in Asian societies and to engage in conversation with the guests.

The book launch will take place on Wednesday, January 24, from 17:00-19:00
Location: Campus Essen, Room S06 S00 A40


November 15, 2023New publication: "The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies," co-edited by Jessica Schwittek

"The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies: Generations Between Local and
Global Dynamics“ is dedicated to the empirical analysis and established theorization of childhood and youth in the context of the social, cultural, and economic realities in Asian societies. The handbook not only describes the diversity of growing up on a continent where the majority of the world's young people live, but also questions and expands on established concepts and analytical frameworks in existing childhood and youth research, most of which have been formulated by northern institutions.

The handbook is edited by a team of researchers from Asia and Europe, including Jessica Schwittek from the Work Group Socialization Research / IfE. Schwittek also contributes an article on the growing up of Vietnamese Germans.

A book launch with further editors and authors of the handbook is planned at the UDE in January, with support from the IZfB. Further information will be announced soon!

The handbook is available for download at the following link:

The open access publication was co-financed by the University Library of Duisburg-Essen

November 9, 2023International Conference: "Stay-Behind Children of Eastern Europe: Challenges and Solutions"

Katarzyna Jendrzey will present again at the end of the month, this time on the topic "Who or what is left behind? Children's interpretations of parents' temporary migrations".

November 28-29, 2023 - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania

August 23, 2023Critical Times: Conference of the Austrian Society of Sociology

On July 3, 2023, Alexandra König presented the topic "Temporäre Arbeitsmigration als Herausforderung generationaler Arrangements" (Temporary work migration as a challenge for generational arrangements) in Vienna, Austria.

September 14-15, 2023Children and Youth Perspectives Conference 2023: Theory, Research and Practice in European context – September 14-15, 2023

Katarzyna Jendrzey will present again in September in Prague, this time on the topic "The Child as an Agent in Transnational Families - Methodological and Theoretical Considerations Using the Example of a Polish-German Research Project."

More details will follow as the conference draws closer.

Conference link

July 5, 202320th IMISCOE Annual Conference: "MIGRATION AND INEQUALITIES. In search of answers and solutions" – July 3-6, 2023

Katarzyna Jendrzey will present the topic “Children’s perspectives on migration: Growing up in transnational families” in Warsaw, Poland.

Session: Youth perspectives: Belonging and exclusion in transnational spaces
Time: Wednesday, July 5, 2023; 14:50 - 16:20

Conference link

Photo of a row of buildings with a tower in the middle and a blue sky in the background

May 29 - June 2, 2023Work meeting – Lublin, Poland

At the end of May and beginning of June, we had the opportunity to meet with our cooperation partners in beautiful Lublin. During this time we intensively discussed the first results and outcomes of the project so far.

Many thanks to all participants for the nice and intensive time together. It was a very profitable exchange that resulted in many new ideas and reflections for the DoDzi project.

14.06.2023Keynote Presentations

As promised, the two keynote presentations have been uploaded to the DoDzi website. Thank you again to our wonderful speakers!

Prof. Dr. Doris Bühler-Niederberger from the University of Wuppertal

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Rembowska-Płuciennik from The Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences.

May 3, 2023International Conference

After months of preparation, our international conference took place from April 27-29. Along with our German and Polish DoDzi teams, we welcomed 21 scholars from various countries and institutions around the world.

Read more here

March 23, 2023Welcome back!

The University of Duisburg-Essen was the victim of a cyberattack in November, forcing everyone offline, but the DoDzi team didn’t let this setback slow us down.

In November and December, Katarzyna Jendrzey conducted 29 group discussions with Polish school children, completing this phase of the research. Now the German team is working on translating and interpreting the transcripts.

For the International Conference, all of our participants and keynote speakers have been selected, and we are excited to have such a diverse group of scholars join us. The conference will include a wide range of topics relating to growing up in transnational families, and we expect to learn a lot. Only one more month to go!

October 21, 2022Open Call for Papers

Living apart together: Growing up in Transnational Families

As part of the DoDzi project, we are pleased to announce our upcoming international conference: “Living apart together: Growing up in Transnational Families.” The workshop will take place from April 27-29, 2023, in Essen, Germany.

The Call for Papers is now out, and we are welcoming proposals until November 20, 2022.

For more information, please visit our international conference page.

October 11, 2022The work continues: Project presentation as part of the InZentIM event "New Contexts and Configurations of Our Research."

In a poster session entitled "What we are working on at InZentIM," 14 posters were presented, including our DoDzi project poster. The session was organized as part of the Day of Integration and Migration Research: "New Contexts and Configurations of Our Research" (TIM 2022) of the InZentIM and took place on October 11, 2022, at the Gerhard-Mercator-Haus in Duisburg.

The interdisciplinary orientation of the event in particular should be highlighted, as it enabled us to engage with researchers from different disciplines and with different research interests, and thus to expand our own research assignments and perspectives. We were not only able to gain new impulses for our project, but also insights into the diversity of the work and topics being worked on.

Many thanks to the InZentIM for good organization and exchange opportunities.

Download poster
Two smiling white women stand in front of a large building with columns and the name Humboldt Universitaet on it, with a blue sky in the background

October 6-7, 2022“Children’s views on transnational family arrangements” – Presentation of the project at the DeZIM conference in Berlin

On October 6 and 7, Jessica Schwittek and Katarzyna Jendrzey were in Berlin and had the opportunity to present the DoDzi project – including the initial results from our first data collection – at the DeZim conference. The project was met with a lot of interest, and thanks to the constructive exchange, we received many new impulses.

Many thanks to the DeZim Institute for the invitation and for organizing such a great conference!

October 5-7, 2022“Children’s views on transnational family arrangements” – Presentation of the project at the DeZIM conference in Berlin

Jessica Schwittek and Katarzyna Jendrzey will present our project, DoDzi, at the DeZIM conference in Berlin. The conference will take place from October 5-7, 2022.

In the presentation, we will sketch out our methodological framework – which draws from the sociology of childhood and migration research – and present material from our first field phase. The focus will be on group discussions with children (both with and without transnational experience), through which we aim to reconstruct children’s conjunctive knowledge about normative and non-normative family arrangements.

For further information about the conference, follow the link:


Five smiling white woman sit together at a picnic table

June 1-3, 2022The project starts to really take shape – the first surveys in Poland

The first round of surveys in Poland took place in June 2022. From June 1 to 3, we conducted surveys of children at two schools – for project parts B and C. We were fortunate on two levels: the school administrators were very supportive of our team, enabling us to carry out this first phase of our project, and many children participated enthusiastically in the group discussions and “reading journeys.” We also used this initial field work as an opportunity for a second meeting of the project partners. This took place at the University of Wrocław. The focus was on exchanging our initial experiences regarding the methodological approach. Of course, we also exchanged our first impressions of the beautiful city of Wrocław. 😀

Five white women are standing in a row and smiling

May 4-6, 2022First joint meeting of the project partners at the University of Duisburg-Essen

The first project meeting took place in May 2022 at the University of Duisburg-Essen. It gave the project partners the opportunity to broaden the scope of our cooperation and to discuss our upcoming work and challenges for the following months of the project. We had an intensive exchange about the details of our research interests and perspectives specific to our different disciplines. More concretely, we analyzed our chosen children's books about migration and planned the first surveys in Poland, which are scheduled for June 2022.